Year of production: 2014
Language: SpaOpen Popupnish
Country of Origin: Spain
DVD : 19.00 €
Director: David Martinez
Screenwriters: Juan García del Santo,
David Martínez Álvarez
Producers: Juan García del Santo, David Martin
WALTER MANN, actor, is about to achieve the dream of his life: to star in his own theatrical performance. Caressing that moment, something will make everything he has break into pieces. Flow tells us the story of a man who fights an inner battle between his light and his darkness, through a journey in which one of the two poles will end up prevailing. Flow talks about the bitterness of the human being and the difficult topic of forgiveness and reconciliation with oneself and with life. Also about family relationships, loneliness, the relationship between life and art, spirituality and art; In short, the inner journey of the human being.
Trailer :
- : Gonzalo Baz (Agente de Walter),
- Juan Del Santo (Walter Mann),
- Juan García del Santo, Francesc Garrido (Hermano de Walter),
- Emilio Gutiérrez Caba (Padre de Walter),
- Lluis Homar (Maestro de Walter),
- Alejandra Lorente (Mujer de Walter),
- Carlos Rubio Escobar (Pastor),
- Berta Solanas Martinez (Berta),
- Concha Velasco (Madre de Walter).
And also: - Óscar Zafra (Abogado de Walter).
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