F. Murray Abraham

The Soul of the American Actor Recently brought Shylock to life in “The Merchant of Venice” in New York City, and on a National Tour with Theatre for a New Audience. Performances included: Michael Schimmel Center for the Arts (Pace University), Chicago’s Bank of America Theater, Boston’s Cutler Majestic Theatre, and in Los Angeles at […]

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«El mundo de los sacerdotes es misterioso»

14 abril 2011Liana Marabini está especializada en filmar películas sobre clérigos Este verano terminará de rodar en Oxford su película sobre el cardenal Newman, y ya ha rodado varios largometrajes centrados en sacerdotes: el compositor y sacerdote Vivaldi, «el cura rojo», que tenía una escuela-orquesta de chicas huérfanas; el monje Mendel, padre de la genética […]

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How fictional TV priests are portrayed

The Southern Cross5 June 2011 | by Günther Simmermacher Last month the Vatican hosted something quite new: the International Catholic Film Festival, which was held Rome from May 12-21. The festival placed a particular spotlight on the priesthood. Liana Marabini, an Italian film director and president of the festival, said she wanted to focus on […]

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Liana Marabini : nei miei film sottolineo il volto glamour della Chiesa

AGI “Nei miei film mi piace sottolineare il volto glamour della Chiesa, dell’unica istituzione rimasta in piedi per duemila anni”. La regista e produttrice Liana Marabini parla del suo cinema e del film-tv “The Gardener of God” sulla vita del sacerdote e scienziato ceco Gregor Johann Mendel, padre della moderna genetica. La pellicola, interpretata anche […]

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Hollywood comes to WYD

OneCatholicNews, August 11, 2011Film screenings, events with actors, a soundtracks concert, and a world premiere Madrid, August 4, 2011.- On Wednesday, August 17, Madrid’s “Calle Fuencarral” will be all decked out, red carpet included, to host a day of cinema, which World Youth Day (WYD) Madrid 2011 will offer to all the world’s young people. […]

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Lambert: divento abate per raccontare Mendel

AVVENIRE, 4 dicembre 2009DI FLORA D’ESCALZI In qualche modo Christopher Lambert torna ad essere un Higlander, un «eroe immortale»: non con il kilt scozzese, ma nei panni di un sacerdote e scienziato cattolico che molto ha fatto per il progresso dell’umanità: Gregor Johann Mendel, il biologo vissuto a metà dell’ 800, autore di fondamentali scoperte […]

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Christopher Lambert é o Pe. Mendel em “O jardineiro de Deus”

Apresentada em Roma uma produção sobre a relação entre fé e ciênciaPor Carmen Elena Villa Os experimentos de um simples sacerdote agostiniano, realizados em meio à quietude do mosteiro de Brunn (Morávia), converteram-se em um marco que revolucionou a ciência: a descoberta da genética moderna. O filme The Gardener of God (O jardineiro de Deus), […]

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Bears and gazelles in Leo XIII’s zoo

L’Osservatore Romano Monsignor Giulio Cicioni”Except that the two unicorns can’t be seen”: perhaps the schoolchildren also expected these to appear – as in the Noah’s Ark set to music by Roberto Grotti. Until a few years ago they would be taken to visit the Natural History Museum, founded on the first floor of the bishop’s […]

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Priest-Father of Genetics Subject of Film

“Gardener of God” Presented in RomeBy Carmen Elena VillaROME, DEC. 4, 2009 (Zenit.org) The priest-scientist who discovered genetics would be abhorred by the modern usage of his discoveries that leads to the genetic selection of humans, says the director of a film on the life of Father Gregor Mendel. “The Gardener of God,” written and […]

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